Beneficiary Organizations

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ADI is reimagining rehabilitation and advancing ability for all—empowering Israeli children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities and pioneering cutting edge therapeutic and recovery services for anyone touched by disability. ADI provides its residents and special education students with the individualized growth plans and specialized services they need to grow and thrive. The organization also provides its rehabilitation patients with the treatments and therapies they need to heal and return to their lives, and the community at large with tangible opportunities for encountering disability. ADI works hard to raise awareness of disabilities and promote acceptance.



Ahavas Chaim

Despite living in an age of exceptional growth in Torah study and Jewish life, our youth are experiencing apathy, resentment, and disconnection from the vibrancy of our heritage. Ahavas Chaim has made its mission to combat this trend, providing nonjudgmental guidance in a welcoming community infused with genuine love of life.

Ahavas Chaim is a unique and vital organization serving Jewish teens and young adults in the
Baltimore community. Through creative programming, limitless encouragement, and an
unwavering dedication to each and every individual, Ahavas Chaim has helped countless
individuals find meaning, purpose, and stability in their lives as they navigate paths strewn with
obstacles and uncertainty. The young men who are involved in Ahavas Chaim learn how to develop and maintain healthy relationships while working toward self-improvement and self-actualization.



Ahavas Tzedaka Vchesed

Ahavas Tzedaka V’Chesed (ATV) was founded in 1981 after years of grassroots efforts to distribute funds in Israel to families in need. Thousands of families apply for help yearly, each of which goes through our intensive screening process before qualifying for help. As a humble, no-frills organization that is looking to help without acclaim, ATV is overwhelmed with how many people need chesed from their fellows each and every day.



Aish Hatorah

Aish Hatorah is an international institution with the goal of giving every Jew the opportunity to discover his or her heritage in an atmosphere of open inquiry and mutual respect, through both formal and informal Jewish education on every level. Aish’s mission is to inspire every Jew to live more thoughtful, spiritual, and impactful lives through learning and sharing timeless Jewish wisdom.



Aleph Institute

The Aleph Institute was founded in 1981 at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s directive. The Aleph Institute serves people who have been affected by contact with the criminal justice system. Aleph’s programs cover the full spectrum of what people and families go through by offering financial, emotional, and spiritual support for families in crisis; Torah guidance, educational programs, and constitutional advocacy for people in prison; employment and financial assistance for people returning to their communities after release; and prison diversion programs (in eligible cases) for people who may be facing prison time.

A second branch of Aleph’s work focuses on providing Torah education, chaplaincy, and Jewish services to Jews serving in the United States Armed Forces. Aleph is also proud to be a certified endorser of Jewish chaplains for the US Department of Defense.





Amudim is dedicated to serving community members in times of crisis. Founded on the pillars of kindness, compassion, and dignity, Amudim functions as a confidential resource center that provides meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by sexual abuse, neglect, and addiction, and other crisis-related matters. Amudim fosters change and growth by raising awareness and implementing educational programs within communities. Amudim not only provides pillars of support, but also empowers others to become pillars of support.



Ani Ledodi

Ani Ledodi supports young widows who are raising children under the age of 21 and are struggling with daily living expenses. The organization helps fund widows’ monthly rent, utilities, groceries, and urgent one-time expenses when needed.

When faced with any form of financial challenge, big or small, widows and their children are able to rest assured with the knowledge that guidance, a listening ear, experienced and expert advice are just a phone call away. Ani Ledodi serves families from all over the United States.


Ani Ledodi supports young widows who are raising children under the age of 21 and are struggling with daily living expenses.



ATIME was established to take the loneliness and the uncertainty out of a couple’s journey of fertility by providing a network of valuable services that address every facet of this difficult challenge. A TIME provides information, resources, and assistance at every step of the road to parenthood. Focusing on the larger picture of women’s health, the organization also addresses issues beyond the scope of infertility, providing emotional and mental health support.

ATIME’s staff is at the forefront of reproductive technology, and its experts have access to major labs across the country and throughout the world.

ATIME is the premier Jewish organization confronting the challenges of infertility, providing support, guidance, and practical services to couples.



Avigdors Helping Hand

Avigdor’s Helping Hand (AHH) is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to orphans getting married and widows in financial distress.

Unfortunately, the happiest of times for a bride or groom is often marred by poverty and, with the absence of one or both parents, this poverty is even more evident. AHH provides funds to qualified orphans and thereby helps relieve the unfortunate stress that can disrupt their happy occasion. In addition, in the days, weeks, and months following the tragic loss of the primary breadwinner, Avigdor’s Helping Hand steps in to assist with expenses, including the costs of shelter, food, basic necessities, childcare, and utilities.



Bat Melech

One in seven women in Israel suffers from domestic abuse. Of the 160,000 Orthodox households in Israel, most women in this sector have no access to social services or rights-based organizations. Bat Melech, an Israeli based non-profit organization, was founded in 1995 to address domestic violence in the Orthodox community. Bat Melech provides a safe haven, emotional support, and legal aid to Orthodox women suffering from physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and spiritual abuse by their husbands in life-threatening situations. Bat Melech is the only organization providing these services to the Orthodox community, now operating two shelters serving hundreds of women and children each year. The shelters operate under the supervision and support of the Ministry of Welfare in Israel.



Belev Echad

Belev Echad is revitalizing Judaism in communities throughout Israel by running ongoing Torah classes and programs with an inspiring and warm atmosphere. The classes are geared for men and women of all ages, giving special attention to family unity and the importance of Torah values.




Today, the numerous responsibilities of Jewish women often make check-ups, screenings, and medical follow-ups difficult to perform. Bishvilaych is here to change this reality.

Bishvilaych is the first and only not-for-profit women’s health organization in Israel focused on preventive medical care, education and outreach. Bishvilaych understands and promotes the crucial importance of fostering informed self-care among underserved Jewish women in Israel through physical and mental health maintenance, rather than simply disease-based care. Additionally, Bishvilaych promotes gender-specific medicine as inclusive of social, physical, and mental health care, with a focus on prevention and early detection in both lay leaders and health professionals countrywide.



Bonei Olam

Current statistics indicate that one out of every six couples are faced with the challenge of infertility. The pain and emotional trauma of childlessness is something no couple should have to endure, especially not because of a lack of financial means. Since its founding in 1999, Bonei Olam has set its mission to provide the means or resources necessary to allow childless couples facing infertility the opportunity to pursue medical fertility treatment.

Bonei Olam provides support to couples facing infertility at every step of the way. The organization helps with medical referrals, counselor support, and if needed, financial assistance. Every day Bonei Olam receives requests ranging from doctor referrals to financial requests for complex medical treatments. With every call for help, Bonei Olam understands that a couple yearns for a child. Every story and every need is unique, and that is why every person calling is treated with care and dignity.



Brothers for Life

Brothers for Life (BFL) is an organization created and run by wounded IDF veterans to help newly injured soldiers. From the moment an IDF soldier is injured, BFL hospital visitation teams deploy to the hospital to connect the soldier to BFL, assess their immediate needs, and begin the mentoring process. Soldier-to-soldier mentoring continues through every step of rehabilitation. The cycle begins again with the wounded soldier helping a newly injured soldier. The organization currently serves over 1,300 injured soldiers and their families.

Brothers for Life (BFL) is an organization created and run by wounded IDF veterans to help newly injured soldiers heal physically and emotionally. The organization currently serves over 1,300 injured soldiers and their families.



C.R.I.B. -EFRAT (Committee for the Rescue of Israel’s Babies)

CRIB EFRAT provides support services for women dealing with unexpected pregnancies, allowing them to navigate their complex new reality with calm and confidence — and the knowledge that someone cares. Throughout Israel, over 35,000 women each year terminate their pregnancies, primarily because of financial hardship. EFRAT provides these women the financial and emotional support they need to bring their babies into the world with dignity, break the cycle of poverty, and reclaim their lives via a proud, hopeful, independent future.




For more than fifty years, Camp HASC has served the Jewish community as the premier summer program for children and adults with special needs, including intellectual and physical disabilities.



Chai Lifeline

Chai Lifeline is an international support network with a mission to bring joy to the lives of young and seriously ill patients and their families through creative, innovative, and effective family-centered programs, activities, and services. Chai Lifeline strives to meet the social, emotional, and practical needs of children, families, and communities impacted by illness, trauma, or loss.

One of Chai Lifeline’s services involves providing a remarkable summer experience for these young patients, as well as support for their families.



Chaim Goldberg Tzedakah Fund

The Chaim Goldberg Tzedakah Fund provides for the needs of thousands of Jewish families across Israel and America, ranging from basic necessities such as food and clothing to support with medical crises and other poverty-related expenses.


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Chasdei Lev

Chasdei Lev is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Jewish educators and their families by easing financial burdens. Through initiatives like providing food, holiday essentials, and other necessary resources, Chasdei Lev ensures that those who devote their lives to teaching Torah can celebrate with dignity and peace of mind.



From children to teens, singles to couples, millennials to seniors, Chazaq offers Torah centered programming for all. One of Chazaq’s many goals is to offer after-school programming for Jewish children in public schools and imbue them with the richness of their religious, historical, and cultural heritage—all in the hopes of helping them find a yeshiva that fits their learning capabilities. Chazaq embraces each child with unconditional support and individualized attention, helping each one reach his/her fullest potential.

Chazaq’s mission is both a domestic and global effort, which places a large emphasis on sparking the love of Torah through education in communities near and far.



Chesed 24/7

Chesed 24/7 provides extensive and innovative services to the sick, the elderly, the developmentally disabled, and any individual or family facing a life challenge. They work towards ensuring that no one is ever without food, shelter, or emotional support while sick. They have established “kosher rooms” in many hospitals across the U.S., each stocked with food and drinks for patients and their families to use, free-of-charge.



Chevra Hatzalah

From coordinating, training, funding, equipping, maintaining, and responding, keeping Hatzalah running smoothly is anything but simple. But in a community that values life above all else, there is simply no price too high or effort too real.

Hatzalah EMS was founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn by Rabbi Hershel Weber in 1965 with a vision to improve rapid emergency medical response in the community. The idea soon spread to other Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in the New York City area, and eventually across regions, countries, and continents.

Hatzalah is the largest volunteer ambulance service in the United States. Manned exclusively by volunteers, we provide pre-hospital emergency medical treatment and transportation to the public, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or ability to pay.


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Communities Confronting Substance Use & Addiction (CCSA)

Substance use and addiction are issues that affect people of all ages and backgrounds, and the Jewish community is no exception. Our youth are exposed to substances at alarmingly young ages and are often unaware of the dangers of alcohol and drug use. CCSA provides evidence-based prevention education programs to middle and high school yeshiva students, as well as faculty and parent workshops.

CCSA has partnered with over 50 schools across the U.S. and has reached over 10,000 students. In addition, CCSA works to eliminate the stigma surrounding these issues by providing support for families and conducting community-wide awareness events. By creating dialogue and educating entire communities, we can break the cycle of addiction and save lives.



Ezer Mizion

Ezer Mizion operates the world’s largest Jewish bone marrow registry with over 1 million potential donors, facilitating 30-40 stem cell transplants across the globe every month. The organization has a very unique relationship with the IDF, where every new Tzahal inductee is given the opportunity to be swabbed on the day they are inducted and entered into the Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Registry. These potential stem cell donors are young, healthy, and genetically diverse, leading to positive patient outcomes. To date, Ezer Mizion has facilitated close to 5,000 stem cell transplants in Israel, the US and 44 other countries.



Hatzolah Air

Hatzolah Air is a non-profit provider of urgent and emergent medical air transport with more than 200 volunteer flight physicians, paramedics, EMTs, dispatchers, and case managers available 24/7 to provide assistance and intervention.

When traditional ambulance transport or commercial air transport is not an option, Hatzolah Air is ready to fly to wherever and whenever they are needed. Critical to the Hatzolah Air mission is to provide services without charge to the patient or their families. The organization is fully volunteer-driven and donor-funded.



Just one chesed

Just One Chesed is on a global mission to spread kindness and empower individuals to make a difference—one act of chesed at a time. Through their chesed app, innovative programming, and distribution centers, they make it easy for anyone to get involved, whether by volunteering, donating, or raising awareness.To date, they have distributed over $6 million in essential, life-saving equipment to soldiers and individuals in Israel. Their app, which helps students, organizations, and individuals track their acts of kindness, has logged over 50,000 hours of chesed. Just One Chesed had also served over 40,000 meals to soldiers on the front lines through their Meals for Heroes program.



Just one life

For over 30 years, Just One Life has supported and empowered women and families in crisis during pregnancy, providing them with a multitude of diverse, yet complementary services while helping them learn skills to overcome what often seem to be insurmountable and overwhelming challenges.



Keren Hashviis

For 70 years, Keren Hashviis has been providing farmers with the educational and financial assistance needed to commit to the sacred mitzvah of shemitah. Keren Hashviis is supporting 3,500 farmers on 51% of the privately owned farms in Israel. But even with the organization’s massive fundraising goals, the Keren Hashviis stipends only cover 45% of the farmer’s expenses. This is money that goes toward paying the lease on the farmer’s land, the lease of farm equipment, the mortgage he may have on his home, and some household expenses.

With additional funding, Keren Hashviis will be able to give farmers more money to make keeping shemitah less difficult.


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Keren Or

Keren Or serves children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities and their families.  We support a school, an after-school program, a hydrotherapy center and a range of family support services.  Every student has an individually-tailored program that combines cognitive and social enrichment with a range of therapies.  We aim to give each child the tools to interact with their surroundings, and communicate with those who love them; and we aim to give parents the support they need to raise their children at home, and provide them with the highest possible quality of life.



Kesher Yehudi

Kesher Yehudi believes that the rifts in Israeli society can only be healed through deep, personal relationships centered on our shared Jewish heritage. Kesher Yehudi partners annually with 27 pre-induction academies (mechinot) in which 1,350 young men and women—many of whom will go on to be IDF officers and societal leaders—spend three hours once a month conversing and learning together with a chavruta.

More than three thousand Kesher Yehudi volunteers learn with weekly study partners, meet with college students, and guide, on an ongoing basis, Russian-speaking families from the Ukraine and Russia through the absorption process. More than 22,000 secular and religious young Israelis have participated in Kesher Yehudi’s chavruta programs, building Jewish unity one deep personal relationship at a time.



Kids Kicking Cancer

Kids Kicking Cancer’s Heroes Circle program provides therapeutic martial arts classes and hospital visits for children and teens. During weekly classes at hospitals, clinics, and even children’s homes, professionals teach traditional karate moves along with mind-body techniques of meditation, breathing, relaxation, and visualization to dramatically lower pain levels.

Kids Kicking Cancer’s mission is to ease the pain of very sick children while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.



Leket Israel

Unique among all other organizations that serve the poor in Israel and food banks worldwide, Leket Israel’s sole focus is rescuing healthy, surplus food and delivering it to those in need through partner nonprofit organizations. Leket Israel deals with harvesting surplus agricultural produce and collecting cooked meals then sorting and distributing them to the needy throughout the country.

In addition, the Nutrition and Food Safety department ensures that the collection and distribution of the food is held to the highest food safety regulations. Additionally, Leket Israel only donates 100% nutritious food. Leket Israel works with a staff of professional dieticians who conduct nutrition workshops for targeted populations geared toward raising awareness of proper nutrition.



Lemaan Achai

Lema’an Achai empowers hundreds of families with the tools they need to break out of the poverty cycle, bringing them through, then out of, crisis. Lema’an Achai’s unique methodology, called “Smart Chesed,” facilitates growth, promotes self-sufficiency, and positively impacts all members of the family unit.



Lev L’Achim

Lev L’Achim’s mission is to share the beauty of Torah with secular Jews through a variety of programs geared toward youth, men, and women in the US and Israel. The organization supports and guides at-risk youth, helps enroll children into Torah schools, facilitates the return of young women to their Jewish roots, and more.




Links provides Jewish children and teens who lost a parent with emotional, social, and practical support as they navigate the lonely road of grief. Through three separate divisions, Links’ services include therapy referrals and funding, weekend retreats, therapeutic art and music groups, financial advice, and more.



Magen David Adom

Magen David Adom is Israel’s national ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical first-responder for the state’s 8.8 million people. Magen David Adom is the only organization mandated by the Israeli government to serve in this role, but it is not a government agency. It relies on generous donors like Daily Givers for funding.



Magen Lacholeh

Magen Lacholeh is a non-profit medical support organization established in 1991 by Rabbi Benjamin Fisher. Magen Lacholeh’s mission is to provide access to top quality medical care in Israel and around the globe. Some of the main goals of the organization include diagnosing illnesses earlier, increasing the chances of successful treatment, minimizing expensive medical bills, and reducing dependency on the state. Since 1991, over a million people have turned to Magen Lacholeh for help. No one is charged a single dollar for the services they receive.

By providing an extensive set of services, Magen Lacholeh ensures that all people, regardless of race, gender, and ethnicity, get the help that they need. Magen Lecholeh’s network of doctors and health professionals stretches worldwide, ensuring that everyone has access to the best and fastest medical care possible.

Magen Lacholeh has been recognized as an invaluable asset by authorities such as the Government of Israel, the President of Israel, the Mayor of Jerusalem and both Chief Rabbis, as well as the Consulate Generals of the United States of America



Meir Panim

American Friends of Meir Panim (AFMP) is a non-profit organization that promotes, supports, and furthers activities which are committed to providing both immediate and long-term relief to impoverished people via a dynamic range of food and social service programs, all aimed at helping the needy with dignity and respect. Meir Panim produces thousands of meals every day, feeding the hungry all over Israel – young and old alike. Meir Panim also operates a community center and provides resources to Holocaust survivors.




Melabev specializes in improving the quality of life of older adults and in providing services for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s, of all ages. Every year, thousands of people coping with dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as their families and relatives, receive a wide range of Melabev services. Melabev’s goal is to enhance the well-being of older adults, giving them the quality of life, dignity, and increased self-worth they so deserve.



Mesamche Lev

Mesamche Lev was founded 50 years ago to bring joy to the poor through programs that ensure that Shabbos, holidays, and weddings are celebrated with joy. The organization serves over 19,000 families in Israel and over 1,200 widows in Israel, the US, and Canada. Its programs include the famed shoe distribution, which serves 40,000 children; massive holiday distributions, where thousands receive meat, grocery coupons and checks; the orphan wedding program; and more.




Mesila is an international organization dedicated to empowering people to achieve and maintain long-term financial independence. Mesila raises public awareness of the value of financial stability and how to attain it; educates youth in the correct financial attitudes and habits; coaches families on how to gain control of their finances; and gives business owners the professional tools they need to succeed.

Mesila believes that every individual, family, business, and organization can improve their financial situation and achieve economic self-sufficiency if they have the right information, motivation, and attitude. The highest form of tzedaka is to give people the gift of financial independence. Mesila’s vision is to strengthen the financial stability of Jewish communities everywhere.
tude. The highest form of tzedaka is to give people the gift of financial independence. Mesila’s vision is to strengthen the financial stability of Jewish communities everywhere.



Migdal Ohr

Migdal Ohr (Hebrew for “Tower of Light”) was established in 1972 for the express purpose of providing education and social guidance to the children from underprivileged and problem-ridden homes in northern Israel.

Overcrowded apartments, one-parent families, homes with drug problems, impoverished, crime-ridden families—these are the target populations from which Migdal Ohr draws its over 6,000 pupils at all levels of the educational spectrum. Its goal is to transform these students into loyal and productive citizens of Israel.




Misaskim’s mission is to provide support and assistance to individuals experiencing crisis or tragedy by providing them with vital bereavement services, while safeguarding the dignity of the deceased. Misaskim’s wide array of services for the bereaved include physical and moral support that assist the grief-stricken with their many challenges during crisis or loss. Services include burial arrangements, care for the deceased, emergency disaster recovery, assistance to orphans and widows, and community awareness.




Momentum seeks to inspire women to transform themselves, transform their families, their communities, and the world. Momentum’s flagship program, the MOMentum Year-Long Journey, empowers women to connect to Jewish values, engage with Israel, take action, and foster unity, without uniformity. Momentum believes that if you inspire a woman, you inspire a family. Inspire a family, inspire a community. Inspire enough communities, you can change the world.



My Extended Family

Single parents working to cover both roles can find themselves spread thin when it comes to critical resources, like time, attention, and money. My Extended Family addresses needs experienced by children from single-parent homes, helping fill in the gaps with comprehensive and preventive support in a safe, caring environment. The programs My Extended Family runs include homework help, school advocacy, big brother/sister mentorship, and more. The organization’s main focus is on providing a warm, wholesome space where children can connect and thrive.



NASCK (The National Association of Chevra Kadisha)

NASCK, the National Association of Chevra Kadisha, advances chesed shel emes* throughout the world, every day.

The organization’s wide-ranging programs include training and support for chevros kadisha (Jewish burial societies), the Shabbos Vayechi and Last Kindness outreach projects, a 24-hour hotline, the SFJC cemetery, and more.

*Literally translated as “true kindness,” chesed shel emes refers to caring for the deceased, who can neither care for themselves nor reciprocate kindness done to them. Judaism values it as the highest, purest form of kindness.




NCSY is a world-recognized organization that has played a pivotal role in the lives of Jewish teens across the globe. With the vision of Harold and Enid Boxer a”h, the Orthodox Union founded NCSY in 1954 to provide Jewish teens with an opportunity to build a strong connection to their Jewish roots through inspiration and leadership skills.




Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services was founded in 1969 to provide foster care placement for Jewish families. Since then, it has grown into a full-service agency that meets the social and emotional needs of more than 23,000 individuals from all communities. Ohel is a trusted haven of safety and support, providing services that help build lives and strengthen families, homes, and communities to face social, developmental, and emotional challenges.



Olami House at the Shaar

The Olami House at the Shaar provides housing for college graduates and young professionals in a warm community environment, as well as strong employment and business mentoring networks, evening and weekend Torah learning classes, and one-on-one study-partner/mentor sessions in a flourishing, dynamic and growing community. The program affords the members an excellent opportunity to integrate into a vibrant Jewish community and form close relationships with some of the outstanding, hospitable families who live there.




For over 20 years, Paamonim has delivered fundamental money management skills believing in the power of self-help and independence. Paamonim’s mission is to increase financial literacy–– the knowledge necessary to make major financial decisions—in Israel. Paamonim aims to create a reality that empowers Israelis to manage their home economics in a balanced, responsible, and honest manner, as this reality will help build economic and social resilience in Israel. The organization helps people already in crisis and helps others prevent potential future financial catastrophes.



Pantry Packers

Every month Pantry Packers delivers crates containing all the necessary foods and household maintenance supplies to Israel’s poorest families and senior citizens. Every recipient is screened and selected on a non-discriminatory basis by the social services departments of local municipalities without regard to gender, ethnic background, or degree of religious observance.



Partners in Torah

Partners in Torah brings together Jews of all backgrounds to study in a one-on-one environment in a spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect. Participants learn together once a week, in person or over the phone, and explore a variety of Jewish topics. Each year, over 8,500 people from more than 20 countries across the globe connect to their heritage using Partners in Torah’s



Project Inspire

Project Inspire offers a revolutionary approach to outreach by utilizing the unlimited potential of committed Jews to connect and inspire Jews of all backgrounds. Project Inspire facilitates and harnesses the power of shared experiences to create a movement of unity and mutual inspiration that can transform the Jewish people.




RAJE programs—including enlightening classes, inspiring guest speakers, immersive Shabbaton experiences, and social events—inspire young Russian Jews to connect to Israel and the Jewish people. About 7,000 college students and young professionals have participated in RAJE Fellowship Programs since 2007. Students go on exciting trips to Israel, and many return for more learning and join a vibrant RAJE community.

RAJE has branches in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Philadelphia, Toronto, and Baltimore, as well as an online program for people who live in areas where there is no RAJE branch. There are over 750,000 Jews of Russian background in the US, and RAJE is working to ensure their Jewish future.



RCCS (Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society)

Since its inception in 1997, RCCS (Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society) has played a critical role, providing hope and relief for cancer patients, support for their families, and the means to survive. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.

The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, and cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden and make cancer care more accessible.




Relief Resources is an international nonprofit organization, providing mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations to individuals in the Jewish community. By using a series of targeted questions, Relief referral specialists comb through their database of thousands of professionals to carefully connect individuals with the specific resources they need. With sensitivity, respect, and discretion, Relief is proud to serve as the bridge between clients’ mental health challenges today and their emotional wellbeing tomorrow.


Relief Resources is an international nonprofit organization, providing mental health guidance, education and treatment recommendations to individuals in the Jewish Community.



Renewal saves lives by facilitating kidney transplants for those suffering with chronic kidney disease. Renewal helps patients and their families navigate the complex process of kidney transplant, from finding a donor to arranging the transplant and beyond. At the same time, the organization supports donors to make sure their self-sacrifice is as simple and safe as it can be. All Renewal services are free of charge to anyone in need.

Renewal facilitated the first international kidney swap and is now working to be the first registry to arrange and perform overseas kidney swaps in which the donated organ is shipped to the recipient’s location.

Today, almost every major transplant center in the country reaches out to Renewal for information, support, and the kinds of services it provides. Many have asked to learn from and copy Renewal’s unique model.



Shalom Task Force

Founded in 1993, Shalom Task Force (STF) was one of the first national organizations to address domestic violence in the Jewish community. STF’s mission is to combat domestic violence and foster healthy and safe relationships by providing three critical services, including a confidential hotline/chatline that offers psychoeducation, safety planning, and referrals; free legal services to address safety, family and immigration needs; and educational programming including prevention workshops, professional trainings, and community programs to increase awareness of domestic violence. All offerings and programs from STF are 100% confidential.




Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization that supports Jewish women facing breast and ovarian cancer and their families. Sharsheret’s mission is to offer a community of support to women of all Jewish backgrounds, whether they are diagnosed with breast cancer or at increased genetic risk, by fostering culturally-relevant and individualized connections with networks of peers, health professionals, and related resources.




Shlavim builds the spirit and potential of religious children and youth in Israel who come from lower income families. With programs all over Israel, Shlavim helps children take responsibility and develop leadership skills for school and employment.

Shlavim was started in 2006 to bridge gaps in students’ and families’ lives and to ensure their brighter future. Each of the programs in Shlavim caters to a different gap, and they include:

  • Maavarim: Through the Maavarim program, trained coordinators all over the country maintain a close connection with boys who are at risk of dropping out of high school.
  • Sefer: The Sefer program gives teachers tools and resources to effectively teach children from disadvantaged homes. Teachers are taught differentiated learning and other techniques so they are better equipped to reach every child in need in their large classroom.
  • Netiva: Every year, 2,000 girls graduate high school and work at low-paying jobs in environments that are not ideal for religious young women. Netiva prepares them to get proper educational training so that they can earn higher salaries and work at respectable professions.


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Sister to Sister

Sister to Sister serves as a comprehensive resource and support network for Jewish divorced women. Through its network of 400+ volunteers and 23+ chapters, Sister to Sister ensures each woman and her children have a community, support network, and resources to be successful and raise happy, healthy and resilient children.



The Special Children’s Center

When a special child is born, the entire family is affected. The special child, parents, and siblings face enormous physical and emotional challenges. Thankfully, these families are not alone, The Special Children’s Center is there for them every step of their arduous journey. Chaya Bender and Jenine Shwekey have created an infrastructure of deep love and professional care that many communities have been following.

The Center is currently servicing over 750 families in New Jersey, Brooklyn and Five Towns, providing daily and overnight respite, educational programming, agricultural vocational training, residential services, and case management services. As Chaya and Jenine say, “Their needs are our needs; their pain is our pain. Their triumphs are our triumphs. And they know that we are their extended family–for life.”



Torah Anytime

Torah Anytime is the largest library of originally recorded Torah videos in the world, with over 70,000 Torah videos from more than 1,000 different speakers. More than 7,500,000 hours of Torah a year is being learned through TorahAnytime—and the numbers are rapidly growing. All Torah Anytime classes are provided free of charge.



United Hatzalah

United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service (EMS) organization that provides fast and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel.

United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. With the help of unique GPS technology and iconic ambucycles, United Hatzalah’s average response time is less than three minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolitan areas. United Hatzalah’s mission is to arrive at the scene as soon as possible and provide patients with professional and appropriate medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved.



World of Giving

World of Giving (Olam Chesed) is a leader in product philanthropy. The organization rescues tractor trailers of new surplus products that may have headed to landfills and distributes them to those in need. In addition, World of Giving responds to disasters domestically and abroad such as the Ukraine crisis, sending much needed supplies to those affected.




Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities, is a global organization dedicated to addressing the needs of all Jewish individuals with disabilities and ensuring their connection to, and participation in, Jewish life. Yachad’s inclusive design aims to ensure persons with diverse abilities hold their rightful place within the Jewish community, while educating and advocating people for a greater understanding, acceptance, and pro-disability attitude. Yachad gives people a sense of belonging, impacting entire communities.



Yad Eliezer / B’Ezri

Yad Eliezer is one of Israel’s largest poverty relief agencies, helping families cope with financial difficulties and empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and achieve self-sufficiency. Thanks to the organization’s job training program and other forms of assistance, many families who were recipients of Yad Eliezer’s food programs are now donors to Yad Eliezer


Yad Ezra V’Shulamit1

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is a humanitarian organization in Israel that helps needy families overcome poverty. Founded in 1998, the organization operates in 92 cities, distributing over 10,000 weekly food baskets and 50,000 on major holidays, as well as food vouchers, baby formula, winter coats, new backpacks and school supplies. In addition, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit runs children’s centers that feed and nurture over 500 children every day. It also offers highly subsidized weddings for orphans and those in need. Nearly 100,000 individuals depend on Yad Ezra V’Shulamit to help them break from the cycle of poverty.



Yad Ezrah

Yad Ezrah is a multi-faceted organization providing diversified charity assistance at every stage of life. It also serves as a support system for thousands of hard-working families who are unable to meet their monthly obligations due to circumstances beyond their control. In addition, Yad Ezrah helps emotionally challenged individuals with their struggles to cope and live normal and productive lives, thereby inspiring them to become exemplary citizens in their communities.



Yad Leah

Yad Leah provides new and gently-used quality clothing to thousands of individuals and families across Israel, empowering them with confidence, dignity, and self-respect in school, work, and everyday life. The organization maintains branches in 23 communities throughout Israel and currently sends over 8,400 boxes annually to Israel from the US, totaling over 5 million dollars in clothing. Yad Leah assists the full range of Israeli society, regardless of religious or political affiliation. The organization provides infant through adult clothing, as well as maternity clothing, outerwear, shoes, and linens.



Yad Sarah

The defining mission of Yad Sarah is to enable chronically ill, disabled, infirm, and terminally ill people, ranging in age from infancy to old age, to live at home either on their own or in the care of their families or caregivers, with dignity and as independently as possible. Operating through over 120 branches located in every corner of Israel, Yad Sarah provides an all-encompassing and fully integrated range of medical equipment and home-based healthcare support services, all for free or at nominal cost to hundreds of thousands of people in Israel annually.




Families raising children with disabilities are thrown into a stressful world of overwhelming bureaucracy and responsibility. The needs of a child with disabilities can change at every step of the journey; birth, early childhood, childhood, and adulthood each require customized navigation.

Yahalom is a central resource and referral center for special needs, assisting families in obtaining and accessing necessary help. Yahalom helps parents obtain the appropriate resources by guiding, educating, and empowering parents to ensure they have access to everything their child needs. Whether it’s government programs, chesed organizations, or emotional support, Yahalom is there to ease the way.



YU Connects

YUConnects is open to the entire Jewish community and offers unique social events, targeted matchmaking, personalized coaching and educational programs to foster healthy relationships toward marriage. Its robust online matchmaking site connects thousands of members with professional volunteer matchmakers who have access to dozens of databases worldwide. Networking events in collaboration with other charitable and communal programs are at the forefront of expanding meeting opportunities for all.

YUConnects has also transformed the Jewish world by providing unparalleled resources to those navigating the dating landscape. Educational offerings including podcasts, written publications, popular videos and live symposiums have enhanced dating and marriage skills by focusing on core values along with practical advice. To learn more visit


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Beneficiary Organization


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